Thursday, 21 June 2007

For all dad's out there

With this research, it looks like the excuse that some people were not cut out to be dad's just won't work.
clipped from
There's also preliminary but tantalizing evidence that fatherhood can change the brain. A 2006 study found enhancements in the prefrontal cortex of the father marmoset. After childbirth, the neurons in this region showed greater connectivity, suggesting that having young children could boost the part of the brain responsible for planning and memory, skills parents need when having kids gives them more to keep track of. The neurons also had more receptors for vasopressin, a hormone that has been shown to prompt animal fathers to bond with offspring.
Armed with the knowledge that their hormone levels have shifted precisely so they'll be more apt to cuddle their newborns, men may feel entitled to do more of the soothing. Which can only be good for kids—and for tired moms. This Father's Day, it's time to thank dads for all their bodies do.
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Monday, 18 June 2007

Amazon river 'longer than Nile'

Looks like Alexis will have to study from a different Geography text book than we did as the British were in a big hurry to declare the Nile the longest river

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Thursday, 14 June 2007


A lot of Ugandans are waiting for this submarine cable to go in to place and hopefully with this signing we can all look forward to having cheaper internet access rates come 2009.

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Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Second Life "land" dispute moves offline to federal courtroom

I have heard of secondlife and I thought it was all a bit of fun but it looks like I should have booked myself a country or city. The issues are jumping out of virtual life and into reality.

Two motions to dismiss a virtual land dispute have been denied by a Pennsylvania judge, meaning that it will be the first case over virtual "land" in a MMORPG to go to court in the US.

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Athena gets her own blog

Yes! I have moved Athena's blog to her own name so that I can use my name for my own blog as I had originally intended.